Members of Team Starfire World BOINC

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) wbakers1 134,062 444.56 United States
2) dagamier 2,410,457 236.96 United States
3) Defrag 99,124 62.01 United States
4) cmdr_muf 6,845 0.10 None
5) HaywireEMT 102,923 0.10 United States
6) cholupa 75,246 0.10 None
7) GeekRage 38,954 0.10 United States
8) JAngeid 23,772 0.10 Norway
9) Profile nutcase 502,926 0.10 United States
10) Chas 79,252 0.10 United States
11) Profile Keck_Komputers 4,246,150 0.10 United States
12) stevesa 89,604 0.10 United States
13) Fish 1,003,618 0.09 United States
14) Profile AdeB 4,428,086 0.09 Netherlands
15) uniquecp 325,069 0.09 United States
16) Profile skildude 1,295,582 0.09 United States
17) DT 142,404 0.09 United States
18) Lexo 508 0.09 Austria
19) Eric (cholupa) 433,313 0.09 International
20) kemp 21,864 0.09 Brazil
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