Message boards : Predictor of the day

Message boards : Predictor of the day

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readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to biodoc (Team TeAm AnandTech) for predicting the lowest
1 Admin 1916 8 Jul 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to CERN Cloud team (Team CERN) for predicting the low
1 Admin 1812 7 Jul 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Tom Campbell for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit pf20210628_TEST_Y_b43b61c89150f4642b5b5459c84e4e9cde9a30
1 Admin 1929 6 Jul 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Dean Hoover KB7QDI (Team Amateur Radio Operators)
1 Admin 1828 5 Jul 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to JestinZhao for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit pf20210628_TEST_X_ba15a44c566813de098f7c3536eaa827e679eced
1 Admin 1917 4 Jul 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to HasH for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit pf20210628_TEST_X_aa4cf74957da728d3faa3c2129811dc5e589a9cd496229
1 Admin 1839 3 Jul 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Torsten Kind for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit ffdenovo2021_6W3F_fragments_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1398455_0
1 Admin 1849 2 Jul 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Firstcolo-GmbH (Team Computerbase) for predicting
1 Admin 1803 1 Jul 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to gw666 (Team DESY) for predicting the lowest energ
1 Admin 1790 30 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Shuster (Team Canada) for predicting the lowest ene
1 Admin 1827 29 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to ce2911038 for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit_2011674_0003_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1398240_0
1 Admin 1978 28 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to ST068 for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit_2011574_s002_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1398084_0
1 Admin 1889 27 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Schinge for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit_2011468_y634_relax_dock_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1398029_0
1 Admin 1812 26 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to psw for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit_2011574_0008_relax_dock_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1398090_0
1 Admin 1838 25 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to 38GfCaU9x7z7yS9E7kUmE7cyP2zA (Team Gridcoin) for
1 Admin 1763 24 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Damiano87 for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit C3D_mimetics_r2_trRc3d_13_11_fragments_abinitio_SAVE_ALL_OU
1 Admin 1817 23 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Cancer Computer (Team Cancer Computer) for predic
1 Admin 1775 22 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Beast for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit C3D_mimetics_r1_trRc3d_9_25_fragments_abinitio_SAVE_ALL_OUT_139
1 Admin 1764 21 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Linfield Chem Dept for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit C3D_mimetics_r1_norn1c3d_7_93_fragments_abinitio_SA
1 Admin 1749 20 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to CERN Cloud team (Team CERN) for predicting the low
1 Admin 1877 19 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Cristian Galvani for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit_2011248_0007_fold_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1396400_0
1 Admin 1869 18 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Tony for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit_2011375_s000_fold_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1396478_0
1 Admin 1858 17 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Aelwyn for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit_2011248_0000_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1396393_0
1 Admin 1845 16 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Zwergin for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit_2011350_s006_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1396439_0
1 Admin 1818 15 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to staruialavictor for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit7_2011014_0008_fold_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1395250_0
1 Admin 1972 14 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to bhorlor (Team LinusTechTips_Team) for predicting
1 Admin 1796 13 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to University of Lynchburg Computer Science for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit C3D_mimetics_r2_norn1c3d_13_
1 Admin 1866 12 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to TribbleRED (Team Beyond the FRINGE) for predicting
1 Admin 1869 11 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to 38GfCaU9x7z7yS9E7kUmE7cyP2zA (Team Gridcoin) for
1 Admin 1938 10 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to 38GfCaU9x7z7yS9E7kUmE7cyP2zA (Team Gridcoin) for
1 Admin 1799 9 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Theo for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit7_2010650_s009_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1395163_0
1 Admin 1861 8 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to wyounger (Team Georgia Tech) for predicting the low
1 Admin 1816 7 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to natem600 for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit7_2008447_0005_relax_dock_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1395128_0
1 Admin 1844 6 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to enduser for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit C3D_mimetics_r2_trRc3d_1_97_fragments_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1394
1 Admin 1806 5 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Retro_Rex (Team Unraid) for predicting the lowest
1 Admin 1789 4 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to spiceyux (Team Vulcan Science Academy) for predicti
1 Admin 1868 3 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to MeasurementRick (Team crunch-on-arm) for predicti
1 Admin 1804 2 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Karl Martin for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit start_E6_L3_H13_L5_116_0023_EEEE_213_sand_surf_elhlm3_001
1 Admin 1824 1 Jun 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to TheSmurk for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit C3D_mimetics_r2_norn1c3d_8_16_fragments_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_1
1 Admin 1913 31 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to bob for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit SL_6fwx_1_B_trim_SEQ_4.0_3.0_15_L1L1L9L7L11L2L1.folded.pdb.rd1_fra
1 Admin 1808 30 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to ed.valdez for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit SL_2e6p_1_A_trim_SEQ_3.5_3.0_3_L2L3L1L6L2.folded.pdb.rd1_fra
1 Admin 1857 29 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to dcdc (Team Entropica Energy Systems) for predicting
1 Admin 1735 28 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to 2buiy5RiX3bN8JBr2yuiTCdV5yLJ (Team Gridcoin) for
1 Admin 1803 26 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Philipp for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 4b03c1879f6ea809b39ed97b185a5a5a_e36135ee6ed16bb0ae04a74f4c01
1 Admin 1813 25 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to bahobaho for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 3a012598fcd0e80e31f226b0dade9dce_a70125b2f26a2ebf4e49218f94dad
1 Admin 1733 24 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Iain Nicholson for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit d4131517046640d0d3516859cefad5c7_7a3104f4119786722e089
1 Admin 1744 23 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Mike for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 037f7c31b288bc39a4fc12c36f57db0d_8c7cc347557ba9ee8b9bcf42859e7636
1 Admin 1948 22 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Gil for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 9ea74df7ca9d60fa68ef0b3378035f27_f41a2790e13f54371b6f0a101e786afa_
1 Admin 1730 21 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Mr
1 Admin 1788 20 May 2021
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to SouthwesternEagle for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 6e0112324efb023c46fad2a39b096aea_51e040e4924f3db86eb
1 Admin 1891 18 May 2021

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